
March 6, 2019

ITEM DISCUSSION PLAN 1-6-19 minutes Approved Post on line UMaine Singers, Thursday, March 21, 2019 Housing has been arranged for all UMaine singers. Jean Johnson will house the last 12 students at her cottages at OOB. Ideas about free-will offering and canned food donations. Al and Mary Sicard will be in charge of donation baskets for free-will offering. Meal for singers Sue Burgess and helpers will prepare the 5:30 evening meal for the singers.   Menu to be determined. Letter to Mary Johnson David sent a letter to Mary Johnson thanking her and Bill for their support of the UMaine singers and for providing each singer with a boutonniere. Advertising for the event Al Sicard will contact the Journal Tribune, place social media posts and contact the Fire Station and Train Station to

October 1, 2018

Music and Arts Minutes October 1, 2017 David Johnston, Jack Neumeyer,Jacqui Savage (and baby Gunner), Al Sicard, and Carol SpencerLemay were present. Judi Klingensmith was absent. ITEM DISCUSSION PLAN August Minutes The minutes from August were accurate, but the actual amount for Jacqui’s organ lessons was $420.00 and not $400.00. Carol will submit the minutes to be posted online with an addendum. There is no shelf behind the organ for music. David plans to buy and set up the shelf. Proposed 2018 Budget. Proposed changes from the 2017 budget are: 1. An increase in musical supplies from $1,075.00 to $2000.00 to pay for new music for the new youth choir and new choir robes. 2. Drop the designation “Other” and ask for $300.00 (gifts and food) for Music Appreciation Sunday. 3. An increase in organ and piano maintenance from $700.00 to $800.00. 4. An increase of $25.00 for Music Licenses. 5. A $200.00 decrease in Summer Subs and Guests to $1000.00. Those